Tobacco Control Advocacy

The Tobacco Control Initiative of Y-ACT is focused on developing preventative strategies that can be put into action around the time that tobacco use first starts, which is typically in adolescence, in order to stop a tobacco epidemic from spreading. The initiative, which begins in Zambia, South Africa, and Sierra Leone, will serve as the focal point for youth-led initiatives to access the critical information necessary to motivate informed advocacy and function as the resource engine for social impact through global access to the resources created within the project.

To advance youth policy priorities in tobacco control advocacy, Y-ACT will collaborate with three national youth-led organizations in the three countries and two regional youth-led organizations in Africa. Through its advocacy training curriculum and knowledge and practice of outcome harvesting, Y-ACT will also provide capacity strengthening in MEL and advocacy. Implementing countries will work with youth-led organizations for coordinated advocacy to encourage the inclusion of young people in the formulation of legislation related to the Framework Conversation on Tobacco Control (FCTC).

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